Energy - Emotions - Purpose
Feeling the vibe of school season
Are you sensing that back-to-school shift? Perhaps thinking about getting serious again after a fun summer. Or planning some classes or coachings or finding a new teacher. Or applying for auditions – that of course, is its own serious season.
Or maybe you are returning to school. And wow, doesn’t that stir up a lot of feelings? Anticipating all the hard work, lack of freedom, less sleep, nose-to-the-grindstone focus, push to grow in a semester sprint. And whether you are starting at a new school, or returning to your old one, butterflies, anxiety, or dread might be infiltrating you as you prepare to transition. Oof.
Maybe you're in the season of life where you are sending your kids off to school. That change has an impact too - more freedom at home during the day, but all the busyness with extracurriculars. And dealing with the emotions of your kids as they work through the transition.
It's back to school season.
My mom mentioned the other day that right around this time of year she starts to have regular dreams about going back to school. Anxiety dreams that she doesn’t know her schedule. Or she missed some classes. Or she’s in the wrong classes.
Even after being done with school for 45 years, her subconscious still recognizes this time of transition as a pattern in her life and has some things to say.
Are you sensing that back-to-school shift? Perhaps thinking about getting serious again after a fun summer. Or planning some classes or coachings or finding a new teacher. Or applying for auditions – that of course, is its own serious season.
Or maybe you are returning to school. And wow, doesn’t that stir up a lot of feelings? Anticipating all the hard work, lack of freedom, less sleep, nose-to-the-grindstone focus, push to grow in a semester sprint. And whether you are starting at a new school, or returning to your old one, butterflies, anxiety, or dread might be infiltrating you as you prepare to transition. Oof.
Maybe you're in the season of life where you are sending your kids off to school. That change has an impact too - more freedom at home during the day, but all the busyness with extracurriculars. And dealing with the emotions of your kids as they work through the transition.
I’m contemplating some classes too. I’ve been wanting to take a drawing class for a while. My workaholic parts couldn’t make room for it before baby. Then new mama life was a big hang up. Now I’m ready, but faced with indecision.
I’m trying to make decisions from my gut these days, with bonus information from my head. Rather than the other way around, of listening only to my head and not trusting my gut.
It’s messy and slow and sometimes it’s a way to avoid committing to any decision.
The choices I’m contemplating involve an in-person class versus an online class. The in-person class has the added value of being with other people. Potential connections and bonding. On the other hand, I’m an introvert and love my solitude.
Of course, being on location means I have better follow through. Go-at-your-own pace with an online class sometimes means there is no pace.
And teacher feedback - in-person class will give feedback. Maybe great for learning, but what if I don't like the feedback style? Or if I don't connect with the teacher personality. I'm picky about teacher/mentor/healer personalities these days! The online class gives no feedback. Less direct learning, but less risk of annoyance.
Hey, this was so helpful to write down my list of decision criteria that have been rumbling in my brain for a while now. Why didn't I think to do this before, even with something as simple as this choice? Writing down all the factors clarified that the info from my head that supports my gut decision.
It’s something you can do too when you make decisions. The old fashioned pro/con list. The difference here is that with each item I wrote down, I also was listening and feeling into my gut. Maybe you already do this. This is newer to me, and I like the results, even though sometimes the process feels much more messy.
And in case you’re wondering, I’m going/I’ve enrolled in Sketchbook Skool with their on demand class How To Draw Without Talent and I plan to take the Beginners course next.
With gratitude for reading,
PS - if this article spoke to you, you might also appreciate this one that is all about Transitions.