Rep Rallies

 Rep Rallies - welcoming your Inner Artist and your artistic expression!

A group session that incorporates energy work (based upon Emotion Code) + an opportunity to share your artistic gifts. Often this has appealed to musicians, but anyone with an expressive desire is welcome.

In particular, this might appeal to:

  • Anyone wanting to try some energy work;

  • Those with a creative spirit (everyone!) but who feel held back in some way;

  • People with fears;

  • People who have all sorts of feelings and history with performing, auditions, rejections, critical directors, bitter colleagues, etc. 

  • If you're feeling burnt out, worn out, pressed by the world or by your profession or anything else;

  • If you want a boost in your true essence - connected to your Higher Self and Source energy, here for a purpose and gifts to share.

About Rep Rallies:

  • Energy work to address what's stuck - fear, unhelpful patterns, not trusting yourself, memories of stress (bad auditions, rejections, critical colleagues, toxic directors, etc) and more. (Based on Emotion Code & Body Code)-

  • 10 minutes of spotlight time per person

  • Meeting NW side of Chicago, at my house, near Lawrence and Milwaukee.

  •  Max 5 participants 

  • You don't have to perform unless you want to! Get the benefits of group energy work without any pressure to produce or perform anything. 

  • $40 

Email to register, or get on the email list.

I don’t know how it works, but I know that I FEEL much much less fear and discomfort when facing a performing situation.”

”You called out.... feelings/fears/struggles. Once one was identified, magic happened. Transformation occurred.”

”What a great rep rally on Saturday. My audition went really well last night. They wanted to hear both pieces and I sang with confidence and authenticity.”

”Performing can become so freighted with ideas of perfection, judgment, and imposter syndrome. Marta creates a space to work out some of these difficult problems by creating a safe space and allowing us to play. I never know what I am going to see or hear at a rep rally, but it is always energizing and exciting.”

”I had such a lovely burst of energy and freedom on Saturday after our session. I attended a huge graduation party that I normally would have felt self conscious about showing my louder parts and had no inhibitions. I felt very grounded and free and didn’t worry about what others were thinking of me for 1 minute.
— various Rep Rally attendees