Energy - Emotions - Purpose

Marta Johnson Marta Johnson

Emotions are Energy & Energy wants to evolve

To you, with the big feelings
       the tender heart
               the sensitive soul

A not-so-secret secret - maybe you know it too
~ our feelings are expressions of energy
    a releasing
making space for fresh energy
an upgrade
an expansion

To you, with the big feelings
       the tender heart
               the sensitive soul

A not-so-secret secret - maybe you know it too
~ our feelings are expressions of energy
    a releasing
making space for fresh energy
an upgrade
an expansion

these ones are ready for compost
    so you can relax and let them 
    drift open
    expand into their natural wave form
We can Honor these emotions
    and bless them
and maybe dance with them

It takes trust to soften in this way
      a trust that most of us don't know
      haven't been schooled in
yet worthy of an experiment
     what happens if you play with 
     relaxing and releasing?
     play with enjoying your feelings
     your experience, no matter what it is?

(wow, what a thing to suggest to someone
       in the middle of a cancer journey
       or the loss of a child
       or experiencing violence)

I don't know the answer there
but I do know that relaxing with
      and around
      our emotions
allows them to flow in their natural form
          coming and going as a wave
you are bigger than the wave
    you are the droplet
         and the ocean
               the particle
                     and the wave

When Grief, Fear, Anger, and Shame release,
           new space opens for Love, Enjoyment, Peace
without pressure, without trying
            This too comes and goes as a wave
Evolving energy moves us in the direction of expansion, of love, of trust.

With love for the play, the practice, the experiment,

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Marta Johnson Marta Johnson

Aura Transformation for Performers

Aura Transformation has the power to assist in restoring balance, in bringing intelligent love to the artists and performers and rippling out to society as a whole.

Aura Transformation massively upgrades one's energy system through New Time energy. Through an Aura Transformation you can expect:

  • Better embodiment, staying in your body even under pressure:

  • More radiance, more magnetic attraction, more of the full YOU showing up;

  • Better boundaries - not taking on other's peoples energy (from colleagues, from the audience), not letting your energy get sucked away, AND more simply standing firm for what you deserve;

  • Connected to purpose. If you're an artist, you probably already have a sense of purpose. An AT will anchor you more deeply in this purpose, and action becomes easier and clearer.

  • Enhanced intuition, knowing what's best for you, easier and simpler listening to yourself, your needs, which roles/jobs to take, what to say no to.

  • Performing and creating art towards the highest expression of yourself. The need for attention and applause might still be there, but it has the chance to be one voice in you that needs care, rather than the driving force behind your art.

  • Taking responsibility for what's yours in this life and in your art.

  • A focus on creating in your passion, letting go of fighting the old and crumbling. 

  • Knowing your inherent self worth.


This is a long letter. I am on fire for Aura Transformation to help everyone - but I feel a special passion for AT + performers. I invite you to read the whole thing, or just skip around and see what catches your attention.

You - musician, actor, creator, performer - I see your big heart, your passion, AND the boulders thrown in your path. 

You have a creative spirit, something in you longs to share your voice, your music, your vibration. Not necessarily for the limelight or applause, though that might be nice too.

Somehow being on stage, whether alone or with colleagues, helps complete you. You feel alive when sharing your craft. 

Your sensitive spirit feels and notices the world in a special way. A way that translates in your art, that brings healing, tears, joy, elevation, aliveness. You merge with the music, with the story, with the dance, amplifying and becoming bigger than just you. 

And yet, this road is not easy. 
Performance anxiety.
Expensive education.
Ongoing lessons, coachings, and classes.
Connecting (fawning?) with the 'right' people.
Day job.
Low wages.
Competing with your friends.

You are a highly refined expert, yet you are pulled in so many directions, just to make ends meet, and to excel at your craft. 

How bonkers that our society highly rewards all sorts of people who either are impersonal towards humanity or actively hurt humanity. And yet the artists, the ones who touch people's hearts, with truth and vision like a sword, who swaddle humanity in sound, expression, vibration - we artists scrabble and fight over crumbs. 

The creative world is distorted now. The wounds of the individuals; desperate needs to be seen and validated; power trips; constricted budgets of organizations, scrimping and pinching. We ALL live in this world where we are trying so hard. No one is to blame, it's a large, huge collective situation with many layers and many facets that have developed over time. 

One by one, we can restore health and balance. We can honor the dignity and contribution of every single participant - from visionary, to creator, to director, to leading roles, to first chairs, to supplementary, to cover roles, to office staff, to janitors, to audience. 

I know many people are bringing renewed goodness to the performing arts world. Thank goodness! Do you feel you are swimming upstream in these efforts?

Aura Transformation has the power to assist in restoring balance, in bringing intelligent love to the artists and performers and rippling out to society as a whole.

Aura Transformation massively upgrades one's energy system through New Time energy. Through an Aura Transformation you can expect:

  • Better embodiment, staying in your body even under pressure:

  • More radiance, more magnetic attraction, more of the full YOU showing up;

  • Better boundaries - not taking on other's peoples energy (from colleagues, from the audience), not letting your energy get sucked away, AND more simply standing firm for what you deserve;

  • Connected to purpose. If you're an artist, you probably already have a sense of purpose. An AT will anchor you more deeply in this purpose, and action becomes easier and clearer.

  • Enhanced intuition, knowing what's best for you, easier and simpler listening to yourself, your needs, which roles/jobs to take, what to say no to.

  • Performing and creating art towards the highest expression of yourself. The need for attention and applause might still be there, but it has the chance to be one voice in you that needs care, rather than the driving force behind your art.

  • Taking responsibility for what's yours in this life and in your art.

  • A focus on creating in your passion, letting go of fighting the old and crumbling. 

  • Knowing your inherent self worth.

In my personal experience as a musician, I've struggled with performance anxiety for a very long time, and done tons of healing on this specific issue. My Aura Transformation in January seems promising for deeper and more lasting healing for the performance anxiety. 

I've only done a couple of performances this spring, but in those I more clearly noticed the old pattern to flee out of my body. Pull out and away. Despite all the embodiment work I've done over the years - it's like the spirit aspect of me wanted to get out when under pressure. And it could in the old aura.

Since my AT I'm able to gently pull my spirit back in my body - and performing in this way is So. Much. Better. No wonder I've had nerves all these years! It's impossible to control my fingers and arms when I'm trying to get away from those very same fingers and arms! Feeling the blood flowing, the energy extending through to the tips of me, I played really well. And enjoyed myself so much too.

Now that I know I've had a leaky, disintegrating aura for probably much of my life, I wonder if the anxieties I've felt are not all mine. I've not been able to filter out feelings from the audience and from colleagues. Now I have a much more solid aura that provides protection, as well as a sorting tool where I can more intentionally keep out other people's energies. 

I am coming out from under a rock. Parts of me wanting to hide for most of my life, it's like that contract has been completed. I don't need to hide anymore. Those hiding parts still need a bit of tending and care, but now they sit in a much bigger, more solid, safer aura structure, so they don't need to run my life. 

Whatever your struggle and burden as a performer and artist, Aura Transformation has the power and possibility to bring deep transformation. An AT doesn't magically solve everything - you still have to deal with your problems, but more and more of you is present to engage with life, the good and the bad, plus the increasing intuition to know what's next, what's needed, where to focus, where to let go.

And the AT is permanent, a one time upgrade that will not fade. There are ways to attend to your energy, if that's your jam, that will enhance the effect of the AT. In the webinar we'll do a bit of this energy work, that anyone can use now, that gets even more potent after your AT. 

I'd love to connect with you anytime, about questions or scheduling an Aura Transformation. 

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Marta Johnson Marta Johnson

Resistance. Self Sabotage. Procrastination

I love Resisting parts (and Self Sabotage and Procrastination), because they wave the flag of disagreement. They clue us in to our complexities that go far beyond the goals of success, as defined by our general western culture. They bring diversity to our inner world.

When we slow down with these parts, they invite us to notice where we need healing or growth. They invite us to question our bigger picture.

Resistance. Self Sabotage. Procrastination.

The labels of parts of us that hold up action, that put in a wrench in the path of some goals.

Pressure, blame and shame also surround such labels.

As if a person is at fault, or weak, or somehow failing when resisting kinds of energy show up. 

I invite you to consider another way of relating to Resistance:
Resistance, Self Sabotage, and Procrastination are energies in a person disagreeing with other parts of the person.
These Resisting energies have a valid point of view, and valid concerns.

Usually the conflict lies between Manager type parts - who align strongly with our culture, valuing productivity, success, getting things done, making money, recognition - and Exile parts (vulnerable wounded ones) or Firefighter parts (wanting comfort now).
(These Parts distinctions are based on Internal Family Systems.)

The Manager type goals are worthy goals - however they dominate our society, often at the expense of rest, nurture, pleasure, caretaking, and tending to the vulnerable energies that live inside each and every one of us. 

I love Resisting parts (and Self Sabotage and Procrastination), because they wave the flag of disagreement. They clue us in to our complexities that go far beyond the goals of success, as defined by our general western culture. They bring diversity to our inner world.

When we slow down with these parts, they invite us to notice where we need healing or growth. They invite us to question our bigger picture.

What truly brings satisfaction?
How and what is my best contribution at this time?
Are my actions and values in full alignment in all ways?
Am I touching the edge of partnership with the universe?
What needs healing in me, in order that I might become my fullest self?

Inviting love and appreciation for your full spectrum of parts and inner complexities!

Photo by Fadi Xd on Unsplash

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Marta Johnson Marta Johnson

Deep Healing for Anxiety

What would your life be like if anxiety wasn't a dominant visitor? Who would you be? Who is the bigger YOU underneath that anxiety?

While anxious parts of us have worked so hard to keep us safe - on alert or high alert! - they are not the full truth of who we are. These parts might take over and feel like the voice of truth, they might be so close to you that they feel like the real you.

Sometimes real stresses in life deserve the alert status, and there's plenty of that survival stress going around these days. However, often the roots of our
response to stress go back to three main nodes:

  • Childhood

  • Ancestral burdens and legacies

  • Karmic patterns

What would your life be like if anxiety wasn't a dominant visitor? Who would you be? Who is the bigger YOU underneath that anxiety?

While anxious parts of us have worked so hard to keep us safe - on alert or high alert! - they are not the full truth of who we are. These parts might take over and feel like the voice of truth, they might be so close to you that they feel like the real you.

Sometimes real stresses in life deserve the alert status, and there's plenty of that survival stress going around these days. However, often the roots of our
response to stress go back to three main nodes:

  • Childhood

  • Ancestral burdens and legacies

  • Karmic patterns

It's like wearing Soul glasses. We came into this life with some schmutz on the glasses from ancestral and karma threads. And then childhood adds some more gunk. Most of us need some help to clear away those layers of built up dirt and old energy. Then as the layers clear, we can see the world, our part in it, who we are, and be more and more of our true selves. 

My favorite methods of deep healing all connect with these layers of anxiety roots:

  • IFS (Internal Family Systems) was the first process that provided significant help for my chronic anxiety. The IFS process is so loving, so accepting, so welcoming - today I see it as a magical little glowing house. When one enters this space of acceptance and witnessing, maybe in companion with the right practitioner for you, much can shift and release and heal. 

  • Ancestral healing through IFS - we welcome the parts of our ancestors that stored the traumas - as well as the gifts and strengths of our ancestors. None of us have an unburdened ancestral lineage. Basic survival ran the lives for so much of history. We all have this in our ancestral lines somewhere, and that signal is strong!
    Connecting to our ancestors and releasing their burdens frees up the incredible gifts that our ancestors want to share with us. 

  • Karma release process greatly reduces triggering feelings. This tool has helped me so much in letting go of blame for the other person/people/system. It's not letting them off the hook or giving a free pass - but it unhooks me from them and their choices. 
    The Karma Release Process leads to deeper empowerment. I use this when I get triggered by being judged or feel powerless to a system or person, which had been a big source of anxiety for me.   

  • Aura Transformations update the whole energy system of a person.  The New Time aura has a stronger energy boundary, and connects you more deeply to your intuition, passion, and Spirit. If you feel on constant defense in the world, or if you are uncertain of your purpose in life, or lost the passion and drive for your purpose, then an Aura Transformation might call to you.
    What the heck is an Aura Transformation? — Marta Johnson (
    aura transformation chicago — Marta Johnson (

And the extra fabulous news: there are so many ways of deep healing available these days. From acupuncture to biofield tuning to soul retrievals to psychedelics to all flavors of therapy - many, many options. Of course, the most important question - what is effective for YOU, at this moment in time? 

If you're interested in trying any of these methods - IFS coaching, Karma Release, or Aura Transformation, please schedule a free
Connecting Call with me. 30 minutes together with no pressure or strings attached. Sometimes people have the free 30 minute call and they get what they need for the next bit of growth in their life! 

Sending love for your journey!

PS - Here are two other articles about anxiety:
Dealing with and healing anxiety 
Managing Anxiety.

Photo by Chris Chan on Unsplash

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Marta Johnson Marta Johnson

What the heck is an Aura Transformation?

An aura is one way to name the energy that belongs to you, that fills your body and space around your body. 
In this system of Aura Transformation, Old Time energy is what we all evolved with for thousands, millions of years. About 30 years ago, children started being born with a new aura, a new kind of energy structure, and that began the change into New Time energies. 

This unique process of an Aura Transformation does two essential things:

  • It dissolves the old aura (Old Time energy) and brings in the new aura (New Time energy);

  • It pulls your spirit into your body, which takes about a year to fully settle in (crystallize), which then is a permanent change.

Some people are interested in the results. Some like to know the theories. Some like both! The webinar on Friday will cover both results and theories of Aura Transformation. And this email is a bit more about the theory of this energy process.

Every system develops their own lingo to describe what's happening. Especially when describing energy, words do the best they can to convey something that is beyond words.

An aura is one way to name the energy that belongs to you, that fills your body and space around your body. 
In this system of Aura Transformation, Old Time energy is what we all evolved with for thousands, millions of years. About 30 years ago, children started being born with a new aura, a new kind of energy structure, and that began the change into New Time energies. 

This unique process of an Aura Transformation does two essential things:

  • It dissolves the old aura (Old Time energy) and brings in the new aura (New Time energy);

  • It pulls your spirit into your body, which takes about a year to fully settle in (crystallize), which then is a permanent change.

One's spirit is connected to, but outside the aura, in the Old Time structure. That's why meditation or other energy practices help in the Old Time energy - because there's not direct access to one's spirit. It takes time and practice cutting through the layers of conditioning and wounds to get to that deeper, calmer place of Essential Self. It might take a lot of healing work to be able to really listen to all parts of you, and decipher which parts connect to this deeper wisdom of spirit. (At least, it took me a lot of time and effort!)

With the spirit IN the body, intuition and knowing strengthens. Connection to one's purpose becomes clearer and easier to act upon. You get to be more of YOU, find yourself, become who you came to this earth to become. 

When one has the updated aura, one's boundaries are naturally enhanced with a lot less effort. The new kind of boundaries often come from a place of simplicity, so there's less need to push or force a boundary with others. 
(Not to say it's all sunshine and roses. There is still a place for hard boundaries. And at the same time, it's so freeing to relax and slip out of the battles and disengage from some of the fighting energy that's in us, around us, in personal relationships, and in our culture.)

If this piques your curiosity, please consider joining thefree webinar on Friday,where I will show fancy slides and pictures and talk more about all things aura, and answer questions. This is a whole new way of contemplating one's energy, so it takes some time to wrap one's head around the concept. I will send out a recording if you can't make it live.

What the heck is an Aura Transformation - Friday, May 26th, 12 pm CDT

I am passionate about Aura Transformation because it is strongly helping me to be me. This has been a goal of mine for a long time, indirectly since young adulthood, and then directly for the last ten years. IFS (Internal Family Systems) is/was a huge boost forward in this way as well, in warmly welcoming all parts of me. I still use IFS as part of my personal practice (and with clients), but now it is much faster. Feelings still come up! But when they do, I unblend from my parts faster, I bring Self energy and love to myself easier, all in all, I feel bigger than my parts and that feels so good!

Here you can read more about results from an Aura Transformation, which we'll also discuss in the webinar on Friday.

With love for the journey,

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Marta Johnson Marta Johnson

Aura Transformation sessions in Chicago

You have a desire to be your own authentic self, to be more you.
You're probably curious about emotions, energy, and looking for legit ways to heal, grow, and enjoy life.  You want to be less burdened by wounds, family pressure, and cultural burdens.

Aura Transformation offers all of that. It is an energy upgrade modality that provides better energy boundaries, and pulls in your spirit so that more of YOU can show up in the world, in a simpler, more direct way.

You have a desire to be your own authentic self, to be more you.
You're probably curious about emotions, energy, and looking for legit ways to heal, grow, and enjoy life.  You want to be less burdened by wounds, family pressure, and cultural burdens.

Aura Transformation offers all of that. It is an energy upgrade modality that provides better energy boundaries, and pulls in your spirit so that more of YOU can show up in the world, in a simpler, more direct way.

Aura Transformation might be for you if:
 You've done loads of healing work on yourself and you're ready for a big boost forward;
 You know your purpose, but get hung up on problems, feelings, logistics. You want a more balanced way to engage passionately with what you're here to do!
 What is your purpose? What are you here to do? You're looking for meaning and direction;
 You have trouble staying embodied;
 You want to be less swayed by other's opinions, energy or influence. You're ready to be in  your natural power and boundaries and authenticity;
 More joy in life please!
 High sensitivity brings challenges and gifts - and you'd like more of the gifts to benefit you!
 You're overwhelmed easily - by friends, by family, by kids, by work. 

Here are some things you can expect from an Aura Transformation:

  • Connection and clarity about your mission and purpose in life, plus much easier to take action on your purpose.

  • So much more ease staying in your body and easier to get grounded or regrounded as bumps come up in life.

  • Your intuition will get stronger.

  • Your natural boundaries will become clearer and simpler. 

  • It will be easier to be with other people, especially the younger generations, as the younger generations all have some amount of the new aura structure, depending upon when they were born.

Not all of these happen immediately, but these are some of the biggest things people notice as your new aura integrates (crystalizes). 

Aura Transformation is a unique energy upgrade process that helps You be YOU!



I'm offering a webinar on Friday, May 26th, 12 pm CDT.

The process, what to expect during and after, and a bit of my story.



I've been doing all sorts of healing work for 10 years, and I kept saying, "there has to be a faster and easier way forward". Now, 5 months after my Aura Transformation, I'm engaging with life in such a new way. I'm basically not afraid of life or people anymore, and much more capable of dealing with the bumps and bruises as they happen, staying true to myself. This isn't some froofy bypass method. Your stuff still needs to be dealt with, but more of you is available to deal with life.


Since this is a hands on process, I'll be offering Aura Transformations in my house, NW side of Chicago. Two sessions are needed, over two days. First one is about 3.5-4 hours, second session is 1.5 hours.

If you're interested in an Aura Transformation, or have questions, let's set up a 15 minute Connection Call.

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